Take a Cosmic Journey with Jess Ebsworth

Looking to the warm color palettes of the 1970s, Japanese sci fi art, and airbrushed 1980s food posters for inspiration, London-based artist Jess Ebsworth’s digital artwork gives a feeling of retro familiarity while simultaneously feeling modern & sleek. “I love things that are realistic but surreal at the same time… something where you look at it and think, ‘what’s going on there?’ I try to think about compositions that are sort of off-key or not perfect and have a zoomed in quality.”

Savage Nature is a perfect encapsulation of this, with a composition that looks symmetrical at first glance, but hums with shapes and parts that seem to slither and shift within the monster’s mouth as you look closer. Intentionally hinting at elements of sci-fi, space, and botanical themes, Jess has created an image that emits a feeling of being on the verge of wildness and the unknown - an unfamiliar, untamed being that we’re ready to let out of its cage.
"I try to think about compositions that are sort of off-key or not perfect and have a zoomed in quality.”
That’s exactly how many of us are feeling this summer in 2021: “I’ve not done anything or gone anywhere or seen anything new for so long… It has been tough drawing inspiration from nothing, essentially. It feels like we’re waking up again here.”

With puzzle pieces that almost seem to glow and express their own little mini galaxies, Jess is excited for people to have the chance to experience her work in a more hands-on way. “I love the chance to get my work off of the screen. [To think about my work] just out there in the world doing something rather than just to be looked at for one second on a screen is really nice.” So what’s her personal favorite detail to note about Savage Nature? “The teeth! I think I went a bit mad getting the texture right, along with the glowy bits all around the mouth.”
Sink your teeth into a new puzzle and awaken your wild side that’s been dormant for so long with Savage Nature.
Jess' full portfolio can be viewed at jessebsworth.com.